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Changing the AMA from Within

Resolution 309 - Immediate end to all mandatory re-certification exams

RESOLVED,That our American Medical Association call for the immediate end of any mandatory, secured recertifying examination by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) or other certifying organizations as part of the recertification process for all those specialties that still require a secure, high-stakes recertification examination.

The House of Delegates easily passed Resolution 309 after moves by the Florida Medical Society and Pennsylvania Medical Society pushed it to the fore and in moments of high drama reinstated the language striped out in committee.

Dr. Meg Edison, in her notorious & hilarious style, explains the events of the day and the importance of this seismic shift in policy in

Shhh. I think this is supposed to be a secret, but this Wednesday at the super-elite AMA House of Delegates meeting in Chicago, where only the mostly highly connected and AMA devoted doctors get to attend, they actually stood up for us. It is now AMA policy that the AMA opposes mandatory ABMS recertification exams.

Crazy, right? News of this random act of fortitude trickled out to us on Twitter by the small handful of delegates who very helpfully tweet updates for those of us on the outside. But other than those little tweets, no word from the AMA on this incredibly good news. This is HUGE folks! The AMA opposes ABMS recertification exams! It’s time for celebration, and press releases, and emails asking us to rejoin the AMA. And yet, no word from the AMA...

Read the full article here.